Friday, July 25, 2008

I fell really badly on my cheeks during Chinese Lesson today,
and it's freaking pain now!

HAHAH everyone in front of me kinda got a shocked when they saw me fall,
myself included.

I still remember the last time I had a such a bad fall was during Ice Skating!
so we being ourselves decided to have fun,
made a really long chain,
and went really really REALLY fast on Ice,
with Caleb in front.

so me being oh-so-smart assumed it would have prolly been the safest spot,
right behind Caleb.
evidently NOT.

he went so fast I skidded,
it happened so fast I couldn't even control my fall.
slipped right down with the back of my head hitting the ice first,
and as I slipped I kicked Caleb who was in front.
so there went Caleb,
he smashed his elbow onto my head which further hit the ice.
at that very instant I damnit was sooo serious that I though I was going to die!

enough of those,
I've decided to go for Founder's Day Dinner

and someone please shoot me,
I sooo haven't gotten into the mood of studying,
and I'm really REALLY worried for myself.
how how how.....!

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